Monthly Archives:November 2016

Weekly Update 24-30 Nov 16

24 Nov 16
Capt Phinney, A
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This week’s events:

5:45 PM – All cadets attending the Music Seminar in Miramichi must be at the armoury in their full uniform (shirt, tie, and tunic). Cadets must bring a sleeping bag, clothes, and personal items. A complete kit list is attached: music-seminar-permission-slip. All meals will be provided. We should be returning around 7:00 PM on Sunday. Cadets will call on the way to give a more precise time.

1:00 – 4:00 PM – Tagging at Superstore East (Rothesay Ave) Cpl O’Hara and Cpl Young

7:00PM – 8:15 PM – Community service (serving dinner) at 53 Branch Jervis Bay Legion (1016 Bayside Dr, Saint John, NB E2J 4A1). Dress is shirt, tie, and tunic. Cadets who volunteered: FSgt Caissie, Sgt Wallace, Sgt Hamilton, Cpl Hutchinson, FCpl Abujayyab, Cpl Zhang, and Sgt Driscoll

6:00 – 9:00 PM – Biathlon, Marksmanship, Model building, RC Flying, and Flight simulation (armoury). New cadets are welcome.

6:30 – 8:30 PM – Flying Scholarship at Simonds

6:20 – 9:10 PM – Regular Training. Dress is t-shirt and tunic. All cadets should be wearing their parkas as it is winter dress. Senior course applications (Glider, Power, AATC, and IACE) and documentation is due to the squadron. Cadets interested in applying to be a staff cadet or for a music course must sign up by the end of the night.

Upcoming Events/Deadlines:

30 Nov 16 – Senior Course Application packages due (Glider, Power, Exchange, AAS, AATC) and sign up for music courses and staff cadet applications due
2-4 Dec 16 – Ground School Training – Gagetown (4 glider candidates only)
3 Dec 16 – Bowling (3-5 PM)
10 Dec 16 – Mess Dinner
18 Dec 16 – Holiday movie fundraiser – Elf
21 Dec 16 – Christmas party
6 Jan 16 – Sea Dogs Hockey Game

Note: All gift card orders have been distributed. All 50/50 draws have been completed. Congratulations to the winner.

Congratulations to AC Bangura who was the winner of a draw for a free movie pass for our bring a friend recruiting program.

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

Note: Our website is up and running. It is currently under construction but we have started to add some helpful resources such as the IGs for instructors and the squadron handbook and standing orders. If you have a suggestion for information that should be on our website, just let one of the staff members know. We have also started a Twitter account to reach anyone that prefers access on Twitter.

Welcome to the new home of 161 R.C.A.C.S. on the web

18 Nov 16
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We are pleased to announce the launch of 161’s new webpage, Welcome!
Here we will make available files for training, camps, and other events, along with keeping our training calendar available.