Monthly Archives:February 2018

Weekly Update (22-28 Feb 18) Power Flying Take Two

21 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Here is this week’s update:

Friday 23 Feb 18:
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PMs
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Sunday 25 Feb 18
Power Familiarization Flights: A schedule is attached. Cadets are to show up 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time. Dress is civilian clothing. Meet at the Saint John Air Port Atlantic Flight Centre hanger. Enter the airport driveway. Turn left at the stop sign. The hanger is down the road a few hundred meters to the third building on the right. Flights are only about half an hour so parents/drives are encouraged to wait for the cadets. There is a waiting room inside the hanger. Please let Capt Phinney know if you cannot make your time.

Marksmanship Team, Biathlon, RC Flying, Flight Simulation, and Model Building: 6:00 – 9:00 PM: Note that from now until the marksmanship competition (18 Mar 18), only those cadets identified by Capt Hutchinson as potential candidates for the marksmanship team will be eligible to participate in marksmanship on Sundays.

Wednesday 28 Feb 18
CO’s Parade– 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is shirt, tie, and tunic for all cadets.

Upcoming Events:
– Band Practice Day – Monday 5 Mar 18
– Unit Preliminary Effective Speaking Competition – Wednesday 14 Mar 18
– Marksmanship Competition – Sunday 18 Mar 18
– Zone Effective Speaking Competition – Wednesday 21 Mar 18

For more information on events visit our website:

Fund Raising:
Cadets are now selling Air Cadet League Tickets. Each cadet was given one book of 10 tickets. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. If cadets would like another book, see a member of the sponsoring committee at the beginning or end of the night.

Steak & Stein Fund Raising Dinner – The sponsoring committee is holding a dinner in support of squadron on Saturday 24 Mar 18 at the Saint John Marina. Tickets are $25. The event will also include a silent auction and toonie toss. Tickets are now available online at The squadron is also looking for donations for the auction. If you have any business contacts you would be able to give a donation request letter to, we have some available in the office.

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.

Power Flying Moved to Sunday (25 Feb 18)

21 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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It’s looking like Saturday’s weather will not be favourable for flying so we have decided to move flying to Sunday. I apologize for changing the schedule again however we figured it was best to make the call now rather than on Saturday. This will give us this evening to try to arrange the schedule as necessary.

Please check the current time on the schedule (attached) and let us know tonight if you would like to trade times with someone as flying is now

As always, please check the website or facebook page on Sunday morning to make sure the event is still a go.

Summer Training Sign-up Deadline & Power Flying Rescheduled

19 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Below is some important information about Summer Training (“camp”) Applications and our rescheduled Power Familiarization Flights.

Summer Training: All cadets interested in attending summer training must sign up on the bulletin board by end of night this Wednesday 21 Feb 18. Parent signatures are not required to sign up. If cadets are selected paperwork will be sent home at that time.

The process for summer training selections is outlined in detail on our website:

This year our squadron has been assigned the following serials. Note that travel is one day before and after the course:

Available to level 1+ cadets:
– General Training 23 Jul – 2 Aug 18

Available to level 2+ cadets:
– Basic Drill and Ceremonial 9-26 Jul 18 (TBC)
– Basic Aviation 30 Jul – 16 Aug 18
– Basic Aviation Technology and Aerospace 30 Jul – 16 Aug 18
– Basic Survival 9-26 Jul 18
– Basic Fitness and Sports 30 Jul – 16 Aug 18

Available to level 3+ cadets:
– Advanced Aviation 30 Jul – 16 Aug 18
– Fitness & Sports Instructor 9 Jul – 16 Aug 18
– Drill & Ceremonial Instructor 9 Jul – 16 Aug 18
– Survival Instructor 9 Jul – 16 Aug 18
– Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor 9 Jul – 16 Aug 18

After the initial selections are announced, there are chances that cadets could be picked up for courses up until a couple days after the course start date.

Power familiarization flights: We have been rescheduled for next Saturday, 24 Feb 18. We will keep the same schedule. If you need to change your time, let Capt Phinney know. The flying schedule is attached. Note that there is still one available space.

Flying Postponed for this weekend

16 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Unfortunately we have to postpone the flying for this weekend. There is currently a shortage of aircraft fuel across Canada. The Moncton Flight College, where we get the airplane, has grounded its entire fleet.

We will let everyone know as soon as we have a new date and you can let us know if you need to change your time.

161 Weekly Update (15-21 Feb 18) Power Flying

15 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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This weekend is power flying! See schedule below for more information.

Congratulations to our final 50/50 ticket winner – Len Throburne!

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 16 Feb 18:
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PMs
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Saturday 17 Feb 18
Senior Course Interviews (Power and Glider Candidates): Meet at the armoury at 8:15 AM. Dress is shirt, tie, and tunic with ribbons. Wear your parka. We should return around lunch time. Those cadets staying for the effective speaking training will have lunch provided.

Effective Speaking Workshop: 1:30 PM– 4:30 PM – Armoury (Trailer classroom). Dress is civilian clothing. All cadets are welcome to attend. If you have started your speech please bring this with you.

Sunday 18 Feb 18
Power Familiarization Flights: A schedule is attached. Cadets are to show up 15 minutes prior to their scheduled flying time. Dress is civilian clothing. Meet at the Saint John Air Port Atlantic Flight Centre hanger. Enter the airport driveway. Turn left at the stop sign. The hanger is down the road a few hundred meters to the third building on the right. Please let Capt Phinney know if you cannot make your time. There is still one space available. We will make a post on the website and facebook page if we have to postpone due to weather.

Marksmanship, Biathlon, RC Flying, Flight Simulation, and Model Building: 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Wednesday 21 Feb 18
Sports Night– 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is sports gear.

Duke of Edinburgh Program Participants – All logbooks must be brought in to Capt Meunier by this Sunday evening 18 Feb 18! You can drop them off at our Friday night training, on Saturday afternoon, at the airport on Sunday, or Sunday evening at the armoury.

For more information on events visit our website:

Fund Raising:
Cadets are now selling Air Cadet League Tickets. Each cadet was given one book of 10 tickets. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. If cadets would like another book, see a member of the sponsoring committee at the beginning or end of the night.
Steak & Stein Fund Raising Dinner – The sponsoring committee is holding a dinner in support of squadron on Saturday 24 Mar 18 at the Saint John Marina. Tickets are $25. The event will also include a silent auction and toonie toss. Tickets will be available soon.

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.

Level 4s – Important Info and Updated Flying Schedule

12 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Level 4 cadets must bring a change of clothing on Wednesday – old clothes or coveralls/lab coat would be best. The cadets will be taking apart and putting an engine back together.


See the updated flying schedule for Sunday 18 Feb 18. If you haven’t signed up yet and you didn’t fly in September, contact Capt A. Phinney.

161 Sunday Training Cancelled (11 Feb 18) and Power Flying Update

11 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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The weather is not on our side again. We are going to cancel activities for this evening – Sunday, 11 Feb 18 due to the weather forecast and freezing rain warning.

The cadets at the biathlon competition are on the way home now. They left Charlo just after 3:00 PM and have to make a stop in Moncton. They should be back at the armoury around 8:00 PM but we will have them call home when they get to Sussex.

The most up to date flying schedule is attached. Note that there are still empty spots. If we didn’t get a hold of you and you didn’t go flying in September, let us know. We will fill any remaining spots on Wednesday so if you did you flying in September you may have another chance to go.

161 Weekly Update 8-14 Feb 18

07 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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We seem to be having bad luck with Wednesday evening snow storms again. Due to the current forecast with snowfall warning and potential for freezing rain, we are cancelling training for this evening.

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 9 Feb 18:
Biathlon Competition: Meet at the armoury for 11:30 AM. The bus is departing at noon. Ensure you eat lunch (or bring lunch). Joining instructions were handed out on Sunday. We expect to return Sunday evening around 7:30 PM but cadets will call when on their way home.
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Sunday 11 Feb 18
Band, Flight Simulation, and Model Building: 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Because our marksmanship and biathlon coaches are away we will not be having marksmanship. We will have individual/sectional practice time for the band as well as model building and flight simulation available.

Wednesday 14 Feb 18
Regular Training: 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is t-shirt and tunic. All cadets participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Program must bring their log books.
Sponsoring Committee Meeting – 6:30 PM – New members (parents/community members/alumni) are welcome

Upcoming Events:
• 17 Feb 18 – Senior course interviews
• 17 Feb 18 – Effective speaking training (1:30-4:30 PM)
• 18 Feb 18 – Power Familiarization Flights

We have the opportunity to provide some power familiarization flights to our cadets on Sunday, February 18th. This date is dependent on weather and is being coordinated through our Power Familiarization Officer. We will be calling to try to coordinate our schedule. Please check to see what time would be best for you. Those cadets that did not get the opportunity to fly in a glider this past September will have first priority. Note that we generally schedule a heavier cadet with two lighter cadets as the total weight of the three cadets cannot exceed 500 lbs. Cadets will show up at the airport for their flight 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Directions to the hanger will be provided once confirmed.

For more information on events visit our website:

Fund Raising: Cadets are now selling Air Cadet League Tickets. Each cadet was given one book of 10 tickets. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. If cadets would like another book, see a member of the sponsoring committee at the beginning or end of the night.

75th Anniversary Audio-Visual Yearbooks: These are available for $20 from the squadron office and include photos from the 2016-2017 training year, Freedom of the City, ACR 2017, 75th Reunion, historical photos from the past 75 years, and video interviews with former COs and current cadets. Check out the trailer:

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our website at our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.

Power Famil Flight (Sun 18 Feb 18) Sign Up

06 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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We have the opportunity to provide some power familiarization flights in the Cessna 172 to our cadets on Sunday, February 18th. This date is dependent on weather and is being coordinated through our Power Familiarization Officer.

We will have a sign up available on Wednesday evening (again weather dependent). Please check to see what time would be best for you. Those cadets that did not get the opportunity to fly in a glider this past September will have first priority. Note that we generally schedule a heavier cadet with two lighter cadets as the total weight of the three cadets cannot exceed 500 lbs. Cadets will show up at the airport for their flight 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Directions to the hanger will be provided once confirmed.

The schedule is as follows:

Questions can be directed to Capt A. Phinney.

Training cancelled for Friday February 2nd 2018.

02 Feb 18
Capt Cameron
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Due to the snow and potential for bad road conditions between now and 9:00 PM this evening, we are canceling training for this evening.