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161 Weekly Update (15-21 Feb 18) Power Flying

15 Feb 18
Capt Phinney, A
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This weekend is power flying! See schedule below for more information.

Congratulations to our final 50/50 ticket winner – Len Throburne!

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 16 Feb 18:
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PMs
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Saturday 17 Feb 18
Senior Course Interviews (Power and Glider Candidates): Meet at the armoury at 8:15 AM. Dress is shirt, tie, and tunic with ribbons. Wear your parka. We should return around lunch time. Those cadets staying for the effective speaking training will have lunch provided.

Effective Speaking Workshop: 1:30 PM– 4:30 PM – Armoury (Trailer classroom). Dress is civilian clothing. All cadets are welcome to attend. If you have started your speech please bring this with you.

Sunday 18 Feb 18
Power Familiarization Flights: A schedule is attached. Cadets are to show up 15 minutes prior to their scheduled flying time. Dress is civilian clothing. Meet at the Saint John Air Port Atlantic Flight Centre hanger. Enter the airport driveway. Turn left at the stop sign. The hanger is down the road a few hundred meters to the third building on the right. Please let Capt Phinney know if you cannot make your time. There is still one space available. We will make a post on the website and facebook page if we have to postpone due to weather.

Marksmanship, Biathlon, RC Flying, Flight Simulation, and Model Building: 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Wednesday 21 Feb 18
Sports Night– 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is sports gear.

Duke of Edinburgh Program Participants – All logbooks must be brought in to Capt Meunier by this Sunday evening 18 Feb 18! You can drop them off at our Friday night training, on Saturday afternoon, at the airport on Sunday, or Sunday evening at the armoury.

For more information on events visit our website:

Fund Raising:
Cadets are now selling Air Cadet League Tickets. Each cadet was given one book of 10 tickets. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. If cadets would like another book, see a member of the sponsoring committee at the beginning or end of the night.
Steak & Stein Fund Raising Dinner – The sponsoring committee is holding a dinner in support of squadron on Saturday 24 Mar 18 at the Saint John Marina. Tickets are $25. The event will also include a silent auction and toonie toss. Tickets will be available soon.

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.