Here are the updates for the week:
Friday: Drill Team 1800 – 1900, Followed by Band from 1900 to 2130.
Biathlon team members should come in for 1900 to be sized for boots, skis and poles.
Saturday: Biathlon skiing at Elmhurst Outdoors from 1000 – 1400. Only show up if you have been sized for boots, skis and poles. It is expected to be a cold day, dress for the weather and bring a lunch/snack.
Sunday: Marksmanship/Flight Sim/Model Building/Biathlon 1800-2100.
NOTE: Due to the potential weather this Sunday, we will post by 1300 if we cancel.
Monday: Dinner and Sports with 1691. Dress is casual/civies.
This is to replace our cancelled Mess Dinner, and will take place at the Armouries at 1830 hrs.
Wednesday: CO’s Parade, dress is full uniform with shirt and tie. Remember that it is winter and all cadets must wear a coat.
Any cadet wishing to apply for the Lord Strathcona Medal or Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence is encouraged to download the application and return it completed to the office, the forms and more information are available here. The deadline to have your applications into the squadron is January 30th.
Upcoming events:
– 26 Jan 19 – F/Cpl Gabe Comeau Sports Competition in Gagetown
NOTE: Cadets will be bused up on Friday the 25th, departing the armouries at 1900.
– 16-17 Feb 19 – First aid training for all cadets and staff that signed up.
– 16 Feb 19 – Swimming at Saint John High from 1900 to 2100. (Pending pool rental)
For more information on events visit our website:
Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Meunier or post on Facebook. This will ensure the Admin O gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.
For more information check out our our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.