All League tickets and money must be returned to Lt. and Capt. Hutchinson at Personal Auto & Tire, at 451 Rothesay Ave. in Saint John. They are still open.
Stay Safe and Healthy.
All League tickets and money must be returned to Lt. and Capt. Hutchinson at Personal Auto & Tire, at 451 Rothesay Ave. in Saint John. They are still open.
Stay Safe and Healthy.
As of this afternoon, all cadet activities including regular training are suspended for 3 weeks. The situation will be evaluated during this time and the suspension may be extended, and we will update with any news that we have when it is made available.
At this time, the earliest 161 would be returning to training activities is Wednesday April 8th. An updated training schedule will be posted once the date to resume training has been confirmed.
Here is the weekly update
Friday: No optional training
Sunday: Marksmanship: 0800-1500. This is at HMCS Brunswicker and is for those cadets selected to participate only. Any changes to this planned event will be posted on Facebook.
There will be no optional training on Sunday evening.
Wednesday: Regular Training. Dress is t-shirt. Wear a warm winter coat, it is cold out this time of year.
Level 1’s – Do not wear your uniform! Wear civilian clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.
League Tickets: All cadets were given Air Cadet League tickets. These are now overdue, if you have any remaining sold or unsold tickets you need to return them as soon as possible.
Important Notes: The following planned events have been cancelled.
– FCpl Gabriel Comeau Memorial Sports Competition
– NB/PEI Band and Drill Team competition
– Greenwood Trip planned for May1-3
Upcoming Events:
– 25 Mar 20: Regional Effective Speaking competition with 527 Simonds.
– 31 May 20: ACR
Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Meunier or post on Facebook. This will ensure the Admin O gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.
For more information check out our our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.
Here is the weekly update
Saturday: Tri-Service sports competition: 0830-1700. All cadets are welcome to participate, or just come to watch. Events include Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Marksmanship, First-Aid, Fitness Challenge and a Tug-o-War! Bring your own water bottle and lunch will be provided. Dress is sports gear.
Sunday: Marksmanship: 1800-2100. NOTE: This practice is for cadets training for the marksmanship competition only. No other optional activities will be taking place.
Wednesday: Regular Training. Dress is t-shirt. Wear a warm winter coat, it is cold out this time of year.
League Tickets: All cadets were given Air Cadet League tickets. These are an important fund raiser for us. Return your money as soon as all tickets are sold, and if you need more, see any member of the sponsoring committee. These are due back before March 11th. Bring back any unsold tickets.
Effective Speaking: Schedule for speaking:
Mar 11th: Cunningham(WOII), Gaudet(Sgt) and Gaudet(Cpl)
Upcoming Events:
– 18 Mar 20: Regional Effective Speaking competition with 527 Simonds.
– 21 Mar 20: F/Cpl Gabriel Comeau Memorial Cup
– 28 Mar 20: Band and Drill competition
– 1-3 May 20: 14 Wing Greenwood trip – Sign up sheet on bulletin board
– 31 May 20: ACR
Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Meunier or post on Facebook. This will ensure the Admin O gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.
For more information check out our our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.