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2020-2021 Training Year Information

20 Aug 20
Capt Cameron
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Letter to Cadets, Parents, Guardians and Staff

The safety and security of all who participate in the Cadet Program is always one of our top priorities. It is assumed that the COVID-19 pandemic could last 18 months or longer. This virus will likely return in multiple waves and continue to pose a threat to the Canadian Public. A return to normalcy is not forecasted any time soon, and we need to prepare for a new normal.

Therefore, that is why, the Commander of the National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group has made the decision to delay the start-up of limited in-person cadet activities until at least 1 October, 2020. This was not an easy decision, nor was it made in isolation. It ensures that we have proper measures in place for the safety and security of everyone
who participates in our programs and will ensure that the Cadet and JCR programs do not become a vector to spread the COVID-19 virus.

In the month of September, you can expect that we will reach out to you with information about the fall. We are expecting virtual activities to resume in September until such time that limited in-person training can be authorized. For your information, we have enclosed some key highlights with information for 2020-2021 training year.

Although the fall of 2020 will not roll out the same way it has in years before, we remain committed to ensuring that the Cadet Program continues to provide unique experiences for youth within our community. Should you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to reach
out to us.

Key Highlights for the 2020 Training year.

Update for in-person activities

a. No in-person training/events/activities are to commence prior to 1 Oct 20. Virtual engagement may commence on 1 Sep 20 while preparations for in-person gatherings are underway.
b. Facility and event checklists will need to be filled out by corps/squadron COs for approval by the Chain of command prior to allowing limited in-person activities for parade nights and subsequent activities.
c. Virtual CTC completed Friday 14 Aug 2020 We will be gathering lessons
learned to apply to the upcoming cadet year.


a. 1-30 Sep preparations may include staff meetings at the parade location (adults only) provided Public Health Measures (PHM) are adhered to.


a. No in-person fundraising activities involving cadets and adult staff are authorized until further notice.

When training resumes

a. Cadets and adult staff (CAF, CIs and volunteers) must inform their chain of command if they have been tested for COVID-19 and also the results.
b. When the time comes for in person activities, non-medical masks (NMMs) will be provided by the CAF to all cadets and staff; however, in the interim, cadets and staff may use personally procured NMMs if they have them.
c. Wearing of non-medical masks during in-person activities will be dependent on the local situation (e.g., school board direction, Provincial / Municipal regulations), ensuring 2m physical distancing. Additional direction may follow prior to 1 Oct 2020.
d. If COVID awareness training is required for all occupants to enter a facility (i.e. an armoury), cadets will individually complete our online COVID training course and advise their corps/sqn staff of completion, prior to entering the facility.
e. Previous direction regarding international cadet training/events remains extant. Given the state of COVID and global projections, no international cadet training/events will occur prior to 1 Sep 21; this includes all Exchanges (i.e. ISCA, IACE, Maple Leaf, etc.).
f. Inter-provincial/territorial travel is limited to program participants who reside within one hour of a provincial/territorial border and must cross it in order to attend regular parade nights or other approved day only training activities. There will be no commercial air travel. Ground transport must be arranged and carried out in a manner that ensures 2 metre distancing between passengers, with appropriate cleaning protocol. Self-travel for any cadet activities is limited to within 1 hour of the parade location in order to maximize parental drop off / pick up of their child. Exception to the 1 hour limitation will be approved by the RCSU CO.
g. No overnight travel is authorized until further notice. This means, for example, day only field exercises and no recreational trips outside the 1-hour driving limitations.
h. We are planning for day camps during the spring break 2021 period across Canada. Looking at up to approximately 6,000 cadets getting the opportunity and parents dropping them off and picking them up. We are exploring the use of local armouries, facilities with the focus being on safe, fun and exciting activities for the cadets.

Subsequent updates

a. Subsequent direction will follow but not before 1 Nov 2020 in regards to CTCs for Summer 2021.

Update – Power Pilot Training Course (PPTC) and Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC)

a. The decision to conduct the PPTC and GPTC will be made by Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp in the Nov/Dec 2020 timeframe.
b. Note: Force generation of glider instructors will need to be the first priority to ensure viability of the glider program in the future.
c. There is a plan to have a selection process for both GPTC and PPTC this training year.
d. PPTC and GPTC could resume, conditions permitting, during summer 2021, but there are no guarantees that approval will be given to conduct these courses given COVID-19.
e. Additionally, cadet familiarization flying (power and glider), could also resume, conditions permitting, but no earlier than summer 2021.

For new cadets, or those interesting in joining

You can now sign up online at the link below, and your information will be automatically forwarded to us, speeding up the enrollment and letting you get involved earlier.