Training Update:
Friday 29-Sep-2023
Band – 1900-2100hrs (civilian clothes) bring a water bottle
Saturday 30-Sep-2023
Senior Cadet Leadership Weekend – Year 4 & Year 5+ cadets (Overnight Activity)
Dress: Civilian Clothes & Orange Shirts are encouraged for Saturday to honour Truth & Reconcillation Day
Arrive Saturday 30-Oct-2033 at 0800hrs
Bring a lunch for Saturday
Saturday supper, Sunday breakfast, Sunday Lunch & snacks are provided.
Bring sleeping gear – sleeping bag, air mattress, pillows.
Bring – sneakers, change of clothes, appropriate sleeping clothes, toiletries & a water bottle.
Departure – Sunday 1530hrs
Sunday 01-Oct-2023
Marksmanship – 1800-2000hrs – Civilian Clothes
Wednesday 04-Oct-2023
CO’s Parade & Promotions
Dress: Blue Uniforms – Summer Dress – Blue Pants, Blue Dress Shirt, Boots, Belt & Ranks on Epaulets If you do not have a blue cadet uniform please wear dress clothes
Parents are invited to join us for the CO’s Parade. Those parents who wish to attend the parade may arrive at 2010hrs
Any outstanding paperwork must be returned to Lt Straight ASAP. If you are unsure if your cadet has outstanding paperwork you can check by emailing
Parents & Guardians are encouraged to join us on Regular Training Nights at 2045hrs to hear the weekly announcements. This takes place on the Drill Floor.
Up Coming Events:
11-Oct-2023 – Level Ones will be participating in a Tour of our Local Fire Station
14-Oct-2023 Gliding – This is a day trip. Cadets will be bused to Summerside, PE for a day of Gliding. More details TBA – If cadets have outstanding paperwork, those cadets will not be allowed to attend
15-Oct-2023 Model Building Begins
25-Oct-2023 Halloween Party