Halloween Costumes are encouraged – (No Drugs, No Alcohol, or Revealling Costumes)
Senior Cadets: Please arrive around 1750hrs to set up
Level 3’s Please show up around 1800hrs to help the seniors set up.
Cadets: Please arrive between 1815-1825hrs
Dismissal: 2100hrs
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: we are looking for snacks for the halloween party and we are expecting around 70 cadets plus 10-15 staff members – Any nut free snacks would be appreciated! Fruit or Veggie Trays, Dips, Rice Crispy Squares, cookies….Just has to be Nut Free! WE HAVE LOTS OF CHIPS & POP
Each year 161 teams up with local legions to help with the Poppy Campaign. As a thank you the legions donate a portion of the poppy funds raised back to our cadet program. The great thing about cadets is that it FREE! No costs are passed onto the cadets and their families. All we ask for is help with fundraising to pay for the activities your cadets enjoy. We would like all of our cadets to take at least 1 shift.
Please contact Wendy Eldridge, SSC Chair my call or text at 506-644-8785 to sign up. I have attached the times and locations below, along with a letter from Wendy.
Sunday 22-Oct-2023 – Model Building, Marksmanship & Biathlon 1800-2100hrs
Wednesday 25-Oct-2023 – HALLOWEEN PARTY WITH 527 at Barrack Green Armouries
Dress: Appropriate Halloween Costume (No Drugs, No Alcohol, or Revealling Costumes)
Senior Cadets: Please arrive around 1750hrs to set up
Cadets: Please arrive between 1815-1825hrs
Dismissal: 2100hrs
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: we are looking for snacks for the halloween party and we are expecting around 70 cadets plus 10-15 staff members – Pop & Chips are covered so any other nut free snacks would be appreciated! Fruit or Veggie Trays, Dips, Rice Crispy Squares, cookies….Just has to be Nut Free! Please email julia.hutchinson@cadets.gc.ca and let Capt Hutchinson know what you will be bringing.
Each year 161 & 527 Air Cadet Units come together to put on a fun filled Halloween Party. This year is 161’s turn to host! We are asking Parents/Guardians to help us with the Snacks!
Snacks must be NUT FREE. We are expecting around 70 cadets plus staff.
Please send an email to julia.hutchinson@cadets.gc.ca so Capt J Hutchinson can keep track of who is bringing what.
Cadet appropriate Halloween Costumes are encouraged! There will be a Costume Contest!
Please bring a water bottle to all cadet activites.
Please send in your food donation at the beginning of the party on Wendnesday 25-Oct-2023.
Wednesday 11-Oct-2023 is the last opportunity to submit outstanding paperwork to be eligible to go GLIDING on Saturday 14-Oct-2023. Anyone who shows up Saturday morning with outstanding paperwork will be sent back home.
Our Squadron Cheer was created in the early 2000’s by our senior cadets. We have kept the tradition going by chanting the cheer at the end of every activity & training night. We strongly encourage our new cadets to learn the cheer. The Seniors start the cheer by asking the questions andg the cadets respond with these answers.