Medal Applications

Medals Available

At the squadron level cadets have the opportunity to apply for three medals.

  1. Air Cadet Service Medal – received after four years of air cadet service (cadets can receive a bar for each consecutive year of service)
  2. Lord Strathcona Medal – the highest award which can be bestowed upon a cadet in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training. Only one recipient can be chosen from the squadron annually.
  3. Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence – awarded to Cadets who have displayed excellence in citizenship outside of the Cadet program. Only one recipient can be chosen from the squadron annually.

lord-strathcona-medal-info-button          rclcme-medal-info-button

Documentation Required:

  • A list of extracurricular activities the cadet is involved in
  • Letters of recommendation from sources external to the squadron (RCLCME requires principal/teacher letter and community service organization letter)
  • Supporting documentation (qualifications, awards, certificates, etc)