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161 Weekly Update 11-17 May 17

11 May 17
Capt Phinney, A
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Here are the updates for this week:


6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Drill Team Practice
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM: Band Practice

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM: Irving Nature Park Training Activity
On 13 May 17 all cadets are welcome to attend a fun training/activity day at the Irving Nature Park (main gate). This day will involve walking the trails, playing fun games, and even taking a visit to the maze. Pleases make sure cadets have the proper clothing and footwear for the outdoor weather (no shorts or sandals). The cadets are required to bring a water bottle and lunch that cannot be microwave or refrigerated. The cadets will arrive at 0900 hrs and be picked up at 1500 hrs. Level 3s will be completing their navigation assessments.

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Marksmanship, model building, RC flying, and flight simulation

6:20 – 9:10 PM – Regular Training – We are switching to summer dress (short sleeved t-shirt) but it still gets cold at night so please bring the inner layer of your parka or tunic

6:30 PM – Parent Committee Meeting – We are looking for parents to assist with our Annual Ceremonial Review and some events in the next training year. If you are available to help out, please come out.

Upcoming Events/Deadlines:
– 20-22 May 17 – Citizenship trip to Halifax
– 27 May 17 – ACR Preparation Training Day
– 4 Jun 17 – Annual Ceremonial Review Parade (Mandatory for all cadets – parents, guests, and the public are welcome to attend)
– 15-17 Jun 17 – Rib Fest Fund Raiser/Community Service
– 18 Jun 17 – Helicopter Familiarization Flights

Lost and found: There were several items of clothing/personal kit recovered from our recent field training exercise. If anything belongs to you, please pick up your items in the squadron office ASAP. Items not claimed by the end of the training year will be discarded or donated.

Note: On Saturday, June 3rd there will be a 75th anniversary reception for all 161 squadron alumni (former cadets, staff, parents, sponsors, or anyone with any affiliation to the squadron). Tickets are $25 and are available from the squadron office or online. Visit our website at to purchase tickets, memorabilia, or find out more information about what is happening at 161. Tickets should be purchased by May 17th. Please pass on this information to anyone you think may be interested.

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.