Monthly Archives:January 2018

161 Weekly Update 25-31 Jan 18

25 Jan 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner – Susan Deuville! Next week will be our last draw.

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 26 Jan 18:
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Sunday 28 Jan 18
Marksmanship, Biathlon, RC Flying, and Flight Simulation: 6:00 – 9:00 PM – Biathlon team must bring helmets

Wednesday 31 Jan 18
CO’s Parade – 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is shirt, tie, and tunic. Practice senior course interviews will be held following CO’s parade for Power and Glider candidates. All level three cadets should be prepared to instruct their classes this week.

Upcoming Events:
• 3 Feb 18 – Bowling afternoon
• 4 Feb 18 – Model building begins
• 7 Feb 18 – Duke of Edinburgh booklet check-in
• 7 Feb 18 – Sponsoring Committee meeting
• 9-11 Feb 18 – Provincial biathlon competition
• 17 Feb 18 – Senior course interviews
• 17 Feb 18 – Effective speaking training

For more information on events visit our website:

Fund Raising: Cadets are now selling Air Cadet League Tickets. Each cadet was given one book of 10 tickets. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. If cadets would like another book, see a member of the sponsoring committee at the beginning or end of the night.

75th Anniversary Audio-Visual Yearbooks: These are available for $20 from the squadron office and include photos from the 2016-2017 training year, Freedom of the City, ACR 2017, 75th Reunion, historical photos from the past 75 years, and video interviews with former COs and current cadets. Check out the trailer:

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.

Training Canceled for Wed 17 Jan 18 and Weekly Update (18-24 Jan 18)

17 Jan 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Due to the snow and potential for bad road conditions between now and 9:00 PM this evening, we are canceling training for this evening.

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 18 Jan 18:
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Saturday 19 Jan 18:
Gabriel Comeau Memorial Sports Competition: 6:15 AM – 6:15 PM Cadets will meet at the armoury and will be transported to Gagetown. Cadets should bring a water bottle, sports gear, indoor sports sneakers, and must be wearing appropriate gear for the outdoors (a winter coat and pants). Lunch will be provided but cadets are welcome to bring snacks. This is for the six cadets who have previously signed up.

Bounce Fest: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at the Exhibition Centre. Dress appropriately for obstacle courses etc (sports gear would be best). The squadron will cover the cost of admission, use of bouncy castles, and carnival games. Cadets wishing to use the HyperSphere can bring money. All cadets are encouraged to attend as this is our fitness activity for the month. More information about the event can be found:

Sunday 20 Jan 18

Biathlon Skiing: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Skiing at Elmhurst Outdoors (65 Ganong Rd, Erbs Cove) dependant on ski conditions. Capt D. Phinney will confirm with team on Saturday

Marksmanship, Biathlon, RC Flying, and Flight Simulation: 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Biathlon team should wear old clothes (for waxing skiis).

Wednesday 24 Jan 18
Uniform Care Night– 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is civilian clothing. All cadets must bring their boots and polishing kits!
The training schedule will be updated soon to reflect the snow day. All instructors should check the schedule.

Upcoming Events:
• 3 Feb 18 – Bowling

For more information on events visit our website:

75th Anniversary Audio-Visual Yearbooks: These are available for $20 from the squadron office and include photos from the 2016-2017 training year, Freedom of the City, ACR 2017, 75th Reunion, historical photos from the past 75 years, and video interviews with former COs and current cadets. Check out the trailer:

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out  our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.

Band Training Day Time Change 8:30 AM-12:30 PM

12 Jan 18
Capt Phinney, A
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The band training day scheduled for Saturday, 13 Jan 18 will take place from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM due to the potential for freezing rain and icy conditions in the afternoon. This will still take place at the armoury. Band cadets should bring a water bottle, snack, music, and instrument.

161 Weekly Update 11-18 Jan 18

11 Jan 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Congratulations to Wendy Eldridge, the third winner of our 50/50 draw! There are still two more draws left.

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 12 Jan 18:
Drill Team: 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Band: 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Saturday 13 Jan 18:
Band Practice Day: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM at the armoury. This will be dependent on weather conditions (we will make a call Friday evening). Dress is civilian clothing. Bring a lunch, water bottle, music, and instrument.

Sunday 14 Jan 18
Flying Scholarship (Power and Glider Qualification) Exam: Meet at the armoury at 8:00 AM. Dress is shirt, tie, tunic (with ribbons). Bring a bottle of water and snack if you would like. Cadets will be returning around 1:30 PM (depending on how long it takes to write the exam).

Marksmanship, Biathlon, RC Flying, and Flight Simulation: 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Biathlon team should wear old clothes (for waxing skiis).

Wednesday 17 Jan 18
Regular Training – 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is t-shirt and tunic.
All level three cadets who have not yet taught should be prepared to instruct their classes. This is their Practical Performance Check for PO M309. Level four cadets should also be prepared to instruct their classes –All instructors should check the updated schedule!

Upcoming Events:
• 20 Jan 18 – Sports Competitions (Gagetown) 6 cadets only
• 20 Jan 18 – Bounce Fest (all cadets)
• 3 Feb 18 – Bowling

For more information on events visit our website:

75th Anniversary Audio-Visual Yearbooks: These are available for $20 from the squadron office and include photos from the 2016-2017 training year, Freedom of the City, ACR 2017, 75th Reunion, historical photos from the past 75 years, and video interviews with former COs and current cadets. Check out the trailer:

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.

Flying Scholarship Update

04 Jan 18
Capt Cameron
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Good Evening All,

We will not be doing a review and practice exam this Saturday, instead doing that on Monday, January 8th at 1830 at Simonds high School.

Only those cadets who will be writing the exam are required to attend. Please bring the items you will need to write the actual exam, including a pencil, notepad and eraser. Only power candidates need to bring a flight computer and navigation ruler.

If you are unable to attend, please let me know, and I can provide you with some practice questions to prepare with prior to the exam.

161 Weekly Update 4-10 Jan 18 (Happy New Year!)

04 Jan 18
Capt Phinney, A
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Happy New Year!

Hopefully everyone is well rested and ready for another year of training.

Here is the information for this week:

Friday 5 Jan 18: NO drill or band

Saturday 6 Jan 18:
Biathlon Skiing – 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM. Meet at Elmhurst Outdoors (60 Ganong Road – Erbs Cove – on Kingston Peninsula). Bring a water bottle and lunch. There is a canteen available with homemade soup and baked goods. Dress for the weather.

Sunday 7 Jan 18:
NO Sunday evening activities

Wednesday 10 Jan 18:
Regular Training – 6:20 – 9:10 PM: Dress is t-shirt and tunic.
This is the deadline for cadets applying for the Legion Medal of Excellence or Lord Strathcona Medal.
All level three cadets should be prepared to instruct their classes. This is their Practical Performance Check for PO M309.Level four cadets should also be prepared to instruct their classes – FCpl Hamilton is instruction Period 1. All instructors should check the updated schedule!
Sponsoring Committee Meeting: 6:30 PM in the trailer classroom closest to the road. New members are welcome.

Note: 2Lt Cameron will be sending out a website/facebook update ASAP regarding ground school training.

Upcoming Events:
• 13 Jan 18 – Flying Scholarship (PPS & GPS) exams
• 20 Jan 18 – Sports Competitions (Gagetown) 6 cadets only
13 Jan 18 – Band and drill training day (Armoury)

For more information on events visit our website:

75th Anniversary Audio-Visual Yearbooks: These are available for $20 from the squadron office and include photos from the 2016-2017 training year, Freedom of the City, ACR 2017, 75th Reunion, historical photos from the past 75 years, and video interviews with former COs and current cadets. Check out the trailer:

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our website at our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.