We have just begun our winter break, and theres no better time to think about summer training opportunities. With the re-opening of Greenwood Cadet Training Centre there will be more spots available to cadets. Please click this link to view Summer Training Courses
Each Course will give you a discription of the course, length, prerequisites and locations available. There are Common Courses that are offered to all Cadet Programs, then there are Air Cadet Courses that are only offered to Air Cadets. Please be sure to review both the Common Courses & Air Cadet Courses.
If you are interested in applying please email Capt Hutchinson at julia.hutchinson@cadets.gc.ca with atleast 3 camp options in the order of your preference.
Senior Courses Deadline is 19-Feb-2025
Staff Cadet Deadline is 15-Jan-2025 – Any Seniors looking for Summer Employment https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadian-rangers/cadets/summer-training/staff-cadet.html
All other Deadlines for summer training will be posted in the new year.