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161 Sponsoring Committee Welcomes New Members (Wed @ 6)

05 Sep 17
Capt Phinney, A
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This Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM will be the first meeting of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee for this training year. New members are welcome to attend – this is open to parents, guardians, alumni, and interested community members.

I would like to encourage anyone who is able to help out. The various fund raising activities supported by the sponsoring committee help to make sure that all activities at the squadron are free of charge for the cadets. As well as helping with fund raising the sponsoring committee assists with preparing meals and snacks on occasion, seeking support of local businesses, and taking on other non-training related projects (scrapbooking, event set-up, etc).

Because of fund raising last year the squadron was able to travel to Halifax, have the senior cadets travel to Ottawa, and present each of the cadets at ACR with challenge coins.