Here is this week’s update:
Friday 20 Apr 18
Drill Team – 6:00-7:00 PM at the armoury
Band – 7:00 – 9:30 PM at the armoury (Those assisting with props are asked to attend)
Saturday 21 Apr 18
Provincial Band and Drill Competition – Cadets will meet at the armoury at 6:20 AM. Dress is full uniform, shirt, tie and tunic with Cadet parka. Cadets will be transported to the competition site in Gagetown by bus. Lunch and supper will be provided (box lunches) but cadets are encouraged to bring a water bottle. Cadets are expected to depart Gagetown at 5:00 PM and return to Saint John around 6:30 PM. We will have cadets call when they are on their way home. Anyone wishing to watch the competition is welcome to meet us at L-33 at CFB Gagetown. To get to Bldg L-33: Enter the main gate of the base (Tilley Ave) and go to the end of the street. Turn right onto Ganong St. L-33 will be the first large building on the left. There should be lots of busses and potentially cadets in front of the building. The competition begins at 8:00 AM. Our band will likely perform after 9:00 AM based on the current order.
Sunday 22 Apr 18
Recreational Marksmanship, Model Building, RC Flying, Flight Simulation – 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Wednesday 25 Apr 18
Sports Night – 6:20 – 9:10 PM – Dress is sports gear. All communication survey and CTC offers of participation “camp forms” must be signed and returned. If you were not there to receive a survey, a copy is attached. Communication survey
Upcoming Events:
– Thu 3 – Sat 5 May 18 – Tagging Fund Raiser (All cadets must sign up for at least one shift) – See the attached list. Cadets will be asked to sign up this week.
– Sat 26 May 18 – ACR Practice and Set-up
– Sun 27 May 18 – Annual Ceremonial Review Parade (Mandatory – friends and welcome are welcome to attend)
Tagging Schedule: Note that the All Day shifts and the 12-5 PM shifts will be divided into shorter time slots.
For more information on events visit our website:
Duke of Edinburgh Award: We have found some sponsorship for participants of this program. Any cadets who are not yet participating in the program and are 14 years or older and are interested in participating in the program should see Capt Meunier. More information about the program can be found at:
Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Phinney or post on facebook. This will ensure the admin o gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.
For more information check out our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.
Good luck to the band and drill team who will be competing in the provincial competition this weekend!