Here is the weekly update, hurricane delayed edition.
No training this weekend
Wednesday: Regular training, dress is t-shirt
Annual validation forms will be sent out this upcoming Wednesday, be sure to have them updated and returned as soon as possible. Any new cadets should try to have their paperwork, including birth certificate, provincial health card, or other required ID brought in as soon as possible to avoid missing any training or trips.
Senior Cadets – Check the training schedule page, the latest update has been posted.
Upcoming Events:
– 15 Sep 19: Battle of Britain Parade @ Kings Square from 1000 until 1200
– 21/22 Sep 19: Senior Cadet Training Weekend @ Armouries
– 29 Sep 19: Gliding in Mirimichi, meet @ Armouries
– 18-20 Oct 19: Fall FTX @ Nicol Woodlot
Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Meunier or post on Facebook. This will ensure the Admin O gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.
For more information check out our our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.