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21 Oct 24
Capt J Hutchinson
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WE NEED YOUR HELP! As you know 161 Air Cadets is a FREE teen program. To help with training costs we need the parents & cadets to volunteer with fundraising. We have a number of Poppy shifts available. The schedule is posted below – white spaces are available shifts. Please contact Aimee Perry to sign your cadet up. Aimee Perry 506-645-1863 or

During the poppy shift cadets will ask the public if they would like to buy a poppy or one of the poppy campaign pins/stickers/wrist band. Cadets will be in uniform or if they do not have a uniform dressed business casual. Each shift will require at least 1 parent to stay & supervise. The Poppy Tray will be passed onto the next cadet shift or will be picked up by a sponsoring committee member.

Fundraisers like the Poppy Campaign helps us do more with your cadets with no cost to you.