Here are the updates for the week:
Friday: Drill Team 1800 – 1900, Followed by Band from 1900 to 2130
Sunday: Marksmanship/Flight Sim/Model Building/Biathlon 1800-2100. Anyone wishing to bring in their own drone is welcome to do so, at your own risk.
Monday: Ground school at Simonds High 1830-2030
Wednesday: Regular Training, dress is Tunic and t-shirt. It is cold out, wear a coat.
Annual Validation and Detailed Medical Forms – There are still a few outstanding forms, those cadets have been informed.
Any cadet wishing to apply for the Lord Strathcona Medal or Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence is encouraged to download the application and return it completed to the office, the forms and more information are available here.
Upcoming events:
– 17 Dec 18 – Mess Dinner with 1691 RCACC, 1830-2100 at the Armouries.
– 19 Dec 18 – Unit Holiday Party
Note for the mess dinner, dress is full uniform but with a white dress shirt and black bow tie. If you require a bow tie, we can pick one up for you, the cost with tax is $12. Please let Lt. Cameron know if you need one no later than Wednesday December 12th. You may pay for your bow ties on the 12th, 14th, 16th or 17th.
For more information on events visit our website:
Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Meunier or post on Facebook. This will ensure the Admin O gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.
For more information check out our our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.