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Weekly Update Feb 28 – Mar 13 19

28 Feb 19
Capt Cameron
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Here are the updates for the week:

Friday (Mar 1): Drill Team 1800 – 1900, Followed by Band from 1900 to 2130.
Drill team, bring your boots and have them shined!

Wednesday (Mar 6): Some fun for March Break! We have Vegas Entertainment Center booked from 1800-2100. Cadets will have access to all activities on site (will confirm Arcade), and we will be providing snacks and some beverages. You may bring money if you wish to purchase anything from the on site canteen. Capt. Phinney, D has challenged everyone to laser tag…

Thursday (Mar 7): Band practice day from 0900 until 1600 at the Armouries. Bring your water bottles, snacks and a lunch.

Friday (Mar 8): If there is Drill Team and Band on this day, you will be advised on Friday March 1st.

Sunday (Mar 10): Marksmanship Practice 1800-2100, only those who were advised to attend by Capt. Hutchinson are to be there, other optional training activities will not be taking place.
Effective Speaking: 1800-2100, for the 6 cadets taking part, the order below are your times. if you cannot make it or want to cancel, message the squadron on Facebook. (We can work on alternate timings also)
– Abujayyab, Sn: 1830
– Finnigan: 1850
– Gaudet: 1910
– Eldridge: 1930
– Cunningham, L: 1950
– Buck: 2010
You do not have to wear your uniform for this event.

Wednesday (Mar 13): Effective Speaking with 527. We will be holding the effective speaking competition with 527 at Simonds High School, not the Armouries. Dress for all cadets is T-shirt, those who are speaking must wear shirt and tie. Drop off and pick up is at the door near the pool and football field (NOTE: It is a one-way street).

Please bring back your league ticket money into Mrs. Poirier once you have sold your tickets, and she can get you more.

Upcoming events:
– 16 Mar 19: Zone Marksmanship competition at HMCS Brunswicker 0800-1600
– June Ottawa Trip: Bring your signed permission and contact forms back. We need these bey end of training on March 27th.

For more information on events visit our website:

Reminder: If a cadet cannot make it to a Wednesday night/regular event, the cadet should leave a message on the squadron answering machine 632-3215. Please do not e-mail Capt Meunier or post on Facebook. This will ensure the Admin O gets the message and can mark the cadet as excused.

For more information check out our our facebook page and follow us on Twitter @161aircadets.